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Mobile Squad CaptainDefenderLegendary




Optional Recommended Castalia


Cornucopia Dagger Cornucopia Dagger

At the start of the turn, if the character is [Healthy], there is a 40-80% chance to recover 2 Energy. If the character is [Dying], there is a 40-80% chance to recover 30% HP. CD: 3-2 turns.

Newborn Blade Newborn Blade

Increases HP by 5-10%. Grants bonus P.ATK equal to 3-6% HP at the start of the battle.


Hunter's Intuition Hunter's Intuition

When [Alert] is triggered, deals 5-25% more DMG. Moreover, if a foe uses a skill within range of the [Alert], it will also be triggered.

Fancy Hat Fancy Hat

Gains [Immunity to Disrupt]. When [Healthy], M.DEF increases by 3-15%.

Evergreen Pendent Evergreen Pendent

When healed, there is a 50-100% chance to gain 1 random [Level 2 Attribute Buff], which lasts for 2 turns.

Tarot Whispers

Destruction of The Tower Destruction of The Tower

When it's not the character's turn, DMG dealt increases by 20%.

Exclusive effect

While it's not the character's turn, gains 40% [Life Steal] when dealing DMG.

Redemption of The Judgment Redemption of The Judgment

At the end of the turn, dispels 2 [Attribute Buff]s from 1 random enemy within 2 tiles around the character.

Exclusive effect

Changes the effect of [Tarot Whisper Skill] into: At the end of the turn, dispels 2 [Attribute Buffs] from 1 random enemy within 2 tiles of the character. Inflicts [Judgment] for 2 turns.


Sword Engraving + Wand Engraving Sword + Wand

Before actively attacking, for each 1 tile traversed, increases ATK and DEF by 4%, up to 12%. The effect lasts till the start of the next turn.

Sword Engraving + Cup Engraving Sword + Cup

When actively attacking, increases the DMG by 5% and grants 15% of [Life Steal].


Iris Vanguard Iris Vanguard

Increases M.DEF by 15%. [Preempt] can deal 40% physical DMG and can be triggered up to 2 times per round. Gains [Block], can also block [magical attacks]. Performs [Preempt] on enemies in [front or side] within 2 tiles of the character before they actively attack. At the end of the turn, if the character is within an enemy’s [threat range], gains [Iris Vanguard], lasting until the start of the next turn.
