Longbow of Martyrs
Increases P.ATK by 2-10%. After Single-target Active Attack deals DMG, inflicts [Longbow of Martyrs] for 1 turn.
Longbow of Martyrs
Increases P.ATK by 2-10%. After Single-target Active Attack deals DMG, inflicts [Longbow of Martyrs] for 1 turn.
Whale Hunter
After dealing DMG with single-target active attacks, gains a 50-100% chance to inflict [Infection] on the target, which can be triggered up to 1 time per round. Deals 20% more DMG to the enemies with [Infection].
Star-Raid Crossbow
Increases Crit by 6-15%. If a Single-target Active Attack deals Crit DMG, there is a 50-100% chance to additionally deal 20% P.ATK as [Piercing DMG] to the target.
Irian Combat Bow
Increases P.ATK by 1-5%. Deals 10-20% more DMG when not in the character's turn.
Melee Mega Crossbow
Minimum Range -1, increases DMG dealt by 16-32%. For each 1 additional tile away from the target (Distance for Adjacent Tiles counts as 0), DMG dealt decreases by 8-5%, up to a reduction of 32-20%.
Hierophant's Laws
[AoE DMG] taken is decreased by 20%.
When initiating a single-target attack, DMG dealt is increased by 20%. When initiating a single-target healing, the healing amount is increased by 20%.
Majesty of the Emperor
DMG increases by 10% when attacking [Healthy] enemies.
DMG dealt increases by 15% additionally when attacking [Healthy] enemies.
Verdict of Justice
Increases crit rate by 15%.
Increases Crit DMG by 15%.
Destruction of The Tower
When it's not the character's turn, DMG dealt increases by 20%.
While it's not the character's turn, gains 40% [Life Steal] when dealing DMG.
Sword + Pentacle
When [unharmed], increases ATK and DEF by 12%.